Silencer Notes


"For a while I was worried that I was being silenced, and so, as a kind of therapy, I began writing 'silencers'—poems that address gun violence and police brutality against African Americans in the news, without specifically invoking case details."

Read more from Marcus.


Flip through the Digital EP by clicking on the image below, or download a PDF here.

EP Cover

Please note: this is a digital copy of the EP that we are distributing for Silencer, and it only includes three of the six poems. If you'd like a printed copy, be in touch!


Reivews of Silencer are here.


Copies of Silencer are available for those interested in writing a review or conducting an interview. To request a review copy, please be in touch with Leila Meglio at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.


On the Composition

Further Listening & Reading